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Symposium 2

Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Analysis of Materials

The symposium will cover recent development in structure and composition analysis, as well as testing and analysis of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of ceramics and composites. The advanced characterization methods include, but are not limited to, (synchrotron) X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, electron microscopy and spectroscopy, X-ray/neutron total scattering, vibrational spectroscopy (IR/Raman), NMR, optical imaging and spectroscopy, and related tools. New insights from in-situ or in-operando studies are of interest, as well as integration of first-principles calculations and complex data modeling methods. These techniques enable one to study not only static and long-range periodic structures, but also dynamic and short-and/or intermediate-range structures that substantially influence the mechanical and function properties of ceramics. Multi-scale characterizations from the atomic to nanoscale dimensions are of interest as they are becoming more important in understanding the synthesis and performance of ceramic and composites. This symposium thus aims to provide a cross-technique forum on the characterization of ceramics with emphases on correlations between structural elements, including defects, domains, dislocation, grain boundary, surface and interface, with mechanical, functional properties and sintering, energy storage/conversion behaviors to communicate the latest results and exchange perspectives.

Proposed sessions
ª Structure analysis by X-ray, neutron, synchrotron and electron diffraction such as X-ray microscopy, tomography and ptychography based on Bragg diffraction, transmission and fluorescence contrast
ª Structure and composition analysis by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, focused ion beam microscopy, electron probe microscopy
ª Scanning probe microscopy/near-field optical microscopy characterizations of nanoscale electric, piezoelectric, magnetic, thermal and optical properties
ª In-situ time-resolved analysis and ultrafast electron diffraction/microscopy
ª Spectral analysis including XPS, X-ray (XAFS), NMR, EPR, and vibrational spectroscopy (IR/Raman)
ª Testing and analysis methods for mechanical and physical and chemical properties of materials
ª Data modeling, global optimizations, statistical treatment of data

- Scott T. Misture (Points of Contact), Alfred University, USA, misture@alfred.edu
- Daqing Wei (Points of Contact), Harbin Institute of Technology, China, daqingwei@hit.edu.cn
- Yunseok Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
- Jiancun Rao, University of Maryland, USA
- Qian Li, Tsinghua University, China
- Rongkun Zheng, University of Sydney, Australia
- Jie Zhang, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Detian Wan, China Building Materials Academy, China
- Qiang Zheng, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China
- Yujin Tong, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Chunlin Chen, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Yu Deng, Nanjing University, China
- Yanwen Zhang, Idaho National Laboratory,USA

Point of Contact Assistant
* Yongchun Zou, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, zouyongchun@hit.edu.cn

Keynote Speakers

  Masatomo Yashima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  Tentative Title: Search for High Ion Conductors and their Crystal Structure Analyses
  Brief Bio: Masatomo Yashima is Professor of the Department of Chemistry, School
of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 1991 from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tokyo Tech. He has published more than 300 original research papers (cited more than 17303 times, h-index = 66). His group has been studied the ceramic materials based on the crystal structure analysis. He has successfully performed the crystal structures analyses of ionic conductors, ferroelectric materials, photocatalysts, optical materials, and structural materials. He has also experimentally visualized ion-diffusion pathways of ceramic ion conductors using high-temperature neutron diffraction and maximum-entropy methods. He received more than 74 awards including the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award for Creative Work (2018), Best Teacher Award-Award for Excellence, Tokyo Tech (2014), The American Ceramic Society, Richard and Patricia Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award (2009) and so on.
  Yuichi Ikuhara, University of Tokyo, Japan
  Tentative Title: To be confirmed
  Brief Bio: Yuichi Ikuhara is Professor and Director of Nanotechnology Center,
Institute of Engineering Innovation at University of Tokyo since 2003. He received Dr.Eng. from Department of Materials Sciences, Kyushu University in 1988. His current research interest is in interface and grain boundary and interface phenomena, advanced transmission electron microscopy and so on. Dr. Ikuhara is author and coauthor of about 950 scientific original papers in this field, and has more than 390 invited talks at international and domestic conferences. He received "Japan Academy Prize" (2023), "Medal with Purple Ribbon" from the Emperor of Japan (2016), "Humboldt Research Award" from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2010) and so on. He is the president of Japanese Society of Microscopy (JSM) since 2019. He holds PI position at JFCC (Japan Fine Ceramics Center) and WPI-AIMR Professor at Tohoku University concurrently.
  Rongkun Zheng, The University of Sydney, Australia
  Tentative Title: Tuning the Microstructure of Halide Perovskites for Better Performance and Stability
  Brief Bio: Rongkun Zheng obtained his BSc in Physics from Shandong University in
China in 1999 and his PhD in Physics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004. He joined the University of Sydney in late 2004, and currently is a Professor at the School of Physics. His research interest spans from Condensed Matter and Materials Physics to Microscopy and Microanalysis, with a focus on the growth-Structure-Property relationships in functional materials and devices using sophisticated microscopy and microanalysis. He has received a number of awards, including a prestigious fellowship from the Australian Research Council, and has been regularly invited to national and international conferences in his field. He has published about 300 papers and received more than 10000 citations. His H index is 54.
  Chunlin Chen, Institute of Metal Research, China
  Tentative Title: Atomic and Electronic Structures of Boundaries in AlN Thin Films
  Brief Bio: Dr. Chunlin Chen is a professor of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese
Academy of Sciences. He received his B.S. degree from Central South University in 2001 and Ph.D degree in Materials Physics and Chemistry from Institute of Metal Research, CAS in 2007. From 2007 to 2011, he worked in Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Microscopy, Osaka University as a postdoctoral research fellow. From 2011 to 2017, he served successively as a research associate, assistant professor and associate professor in WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University. Prof. Chen won the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2021. His research focuses on clarifying how the atomic/electronic structures of interfaces in materials affect their mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties using advanced transmission electron microscopy and theoretical calculations. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals such as Nature, Nature Materials, PNAS, Nature Communications, and so on.
  Yunseok Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
  Tentative Title: Highly Enhanced Ferroelectricity in HfO2-based Ferroelectrics via Defect Engineering
  Brief Bio: Yunseok Kim is an associate professor at the School of Materials Science
and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2007. From 2008 to 2010, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany. Then, from 2011 to 2012, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. In 2012, he joined the SKKU. His research interests include scanning probe microscopy studies of electromechanical, ferroelectric, transport, and ionic phenomena at the nanoscale.
  Yu Deng, Nanjing University, China
  Tentative Title: Atomic Resolution In-situ S/TEM Probing under Strong laser, Electrical and Stress fields
  Brief Bio: Prof. Dr. Yu Deng Director of Electron Microscopy Center, School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Bachelor, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Physics Department Visiting Scholar, Visiting Professor at National Center for Electron Microscopy, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Research Interests: In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy for Functional & Structural Materials, 70 publications on Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Acta. Mater. et. al. Principal Drafter of General Analysis Rules for Transmission Electron Microscope (JY/T0581-2020).

Invited Speakers

  Xiaozhou Liao, The University of Sydney, Australia
  Tentative Title: In-situ Stressing and Biasing Transmission Electron Microscopy of Ferroelectrics
  Jie Zhang, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: Atomic Structural Visualization on Ho2Si2O7 Using iDPC-STEM Technique and its Correlation with Thermal Expansion as Advanced Environmental Barrier Coating
  Qian Li, Tsinghua University, China
  Tentative Title: Ultrafast Synamics Studies of Ferroelectric Materials
  Yue Lin, University of Science and Technology of China, China
  Tentative Title: Atomic Insights into the Growth of Energy Materials
  Qiang Zheng, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Correlation Between Local Subtle Structure Fluctuation and Properties in Functional Materials
  Xiahan Sang, Wuhan University of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Direct Observation of Cation Diffusion Using in Situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
  Yunlong Tang, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: Atomic Structures of Polar Topologies in Oxide Films
  Yingchun Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: The Domain Morphology Characterizations of High-performance Textured Piezoelectric Ceramics
  Qing Du, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Microstructure and Bioactivity of the Si-doped Hydroxyapatite Nanorods in Situ Formed on the Titanium Based Micro arc Coating