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Symposium 8

Polymer Derived Ceramics (PDCs) and Composites

Polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs), synthesized by decomposition of preceramic polymers through heat treatment or non-thermal methods, have attracted great attention for their broad applications ranging from civil to military fields such as Li-ion batteries, MEMS/micro sensors, ceramic fibers and composites due to their flexible near-net shape fabrication capabilities (photolithography, microcasting, 3D printing and fiber drawing), superior thermal-mechanical properties and multi-functionalities in high temperature & harsh environments. Understanding the composition-structure-property relationship, innovative novel forming techniques as well as improved properties and performance could promote PDCs going from laboratory to factory and explore more practical applications. The symposium will address the latest developments in PDCs, from polymeric precursor synthesis to structure-composition design and characterization, from advanced polymer-to-ceramic conversion techniques via innovative shaping methods and novel properties to engineering applications. Particular emphasis will be placed on structural and functional properties of PDCs for applications in high temperature and harsh environments. Detailed knowledge of composition-structure-property correlation of PDCs as well as developments in advanced processing methods will provide both, fundamental scientific knowledge and engineering paths for industrial applications of PDCs.

Proposed sessions
ª Design and synthesis of novel preceramic polymers
ª Microstructure characterization and modeling of polymer-derived ceramics
ª Advanced polymer-to-ceramic conversion methods and shaping techniques
ª Functional properties and devices
ª Structural properties and composites
ª Porous polymer-derived ceramics and applications
ª Polymer-derived ceramic fibers and coatings Polymer-derived ceramics for clean energy applications Polymer-derived ceramics for structural and functional applications
ª Polymer-derived ceramics for clean energy applications
ª Polymer-derived ceramics for structural and functional applications

- Zhaoju Yu (Points of Contact), Xiamen University, China, zhaojuyu@xmu.edu.cn
- Ralf Riedel (Points of Contact), TU Darmstadt, Germany, ralf.riedel@tu-darmstadt.de
- Yingde Wang (Points of Contact), National University of Defence Technology, China, wangyingde@nudt.edu.cn
- Paolo Colombo, Universita' di Padova, Italy
- Günter Motz, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- Samuel Bernard, IRCER Limoges, France
- Yuji Iwamoto, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- Yoshi Sugahara, Waseda University, Japan
- Dong-Pyo Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
- Gurpreet Singh, Kansas State University, USA
- Ravi Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
- Xinghong Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Jie Kong, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
- Gang Shao, Zhengzhou University, China
- Xingang Luan, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
- Qingbo Wen, Central South University, China
- Daxin Li, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Keynote Speakers

  Paolo Colombo, University of Padova, Italy
  Tentative Title: Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics from Preceramic Polymers
  Brief Bio: Paolo Colombo is a professor of Materials Science and Technology at the
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy. He is also an adjunct professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University and a visiting professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University College London, UK. He was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Pennsylvania State University in 1991, a Foreign Scientist at INSA, Lyon, France in 2015, and a DGF Mercator Professor at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany in 2016.
He is currently the President of the International Ceramic Federation, and an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Fellow of the European Ceramic Society, and a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College (UK).
He was awarded the Pfeil Award (IOM3, UK), Global Star Award (ECD-ACerS), Edward C. Henry Award (ED-ACerS), Verulam Medal & Prize (IOM3, UK), Global Ambassador Award (ECD-ACerS), Polish Ceramic Society award, CICC Special Contribution award, Bridge Building Award (ECD-ACerS).
He published more than 320 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is co-editor of a book on cellular ceramics and a book on polymer-derived-ceramics. His h-index is 70 (Google Scholar).
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Open Ceramics (Elsevier) and is in the editorial board of 7 other international scientific journals.
Paolo Colombo's research interests include novel processing routes to porous glasses and ceramics (currently focusing mainly on Additive Manufacturing, using different technologies), the development of ceramic components from preceramic polymers and geopolymers, and the vitrification and reuse of hazardous industrial and natural waste.
  Ralf Riedel, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  Tentative Title: Accelerated Moisture-Curing of Polysilazanes for Functional Coating Applications
  Brief Bio: Prof. Riedel got a PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry in 1986 at the
University of Stuttgart. After a Postdoc period at the Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, he became Full Professor at the Institute of Materials Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt in 1993. He is an elected member of the World Academy of Ceramics, Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, the European Ceramic Society as well as Fellow of the School of Engineering at The University of Tokyo in Japan. Prof. Riedel was awarded with the Gold Medal for Merits in Natural Sciences and with a honory doctorate of the Slovak Academy of Science as well as with the Gustav Tammann Prize of the German Society of Materials Science (DGM). He received honorary Professorships at the Tianjin University in Tianjin, China in 2009 and at the Xiamen University in Xiamen, China, in 2021. Prof. Riedel received the Innovation Talents Award of Shaanxi Province, China at the Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi´an. He is Guest Professor at the University of Tokyo in the group of Prof. Ikuhara, Japan and was awarded with the International Ceramics Prize 2020 for "Basic Science" of the World Academy of Ceramics. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of The American Ceramic Society and of Ceramics International. His current research interest is focused on two research areas, namely i) molecular synthesis of advanced structural and functional ceramics for ultra-high temperature and energy-related applications as well as ii) ultra high pressure materials synthesis.
  Zhaoju Yu, Xiamen University, China
  Tentative Title: Si-based Ceramic Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Microstructural Evolution and Properties
  Brief Bio: Zhaoju Yu is a full professor in the College of Materials at the Xiamen
University, China. She is the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramic Fibers (Xiamen University), Ministry of Education, China. She is the recipient of a Humboldt Research Fellowship awarded in 2016 and is guest professor in the frame of an international scientist exchange program with the research group "Disperse Feststoffe" at the Materials and Geosciences Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt. She received the prestigious ECD Jubilee Global Diversity Award and ACerS Global Ambassador (2022). She serves as Associate Editor for the journals Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics International and International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. She was Guest Editor-in-chief for the Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Besides, she is on the editorial boards for several journals such as Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Advanced Powder Materials. She has authored more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and 8 patents. In addition, she presented 40 Invited Talks at international academic conferences, including ICACC-2019, ICACC-2018, MS&T2018, MS&T2016, PACRIM11, PACRIM12, PACRIM13, CMCEE-12, HTCMC-10, ICC-5 and ICC-6. These highlight her interests covering a variety of different hot topics in materials chemistry as well as in materials science and nanotechnology ranging from synthesis of preceramic polymers to polymer-derived nanoscaled ceramics and characterization of their structural and functional properties.
  Dong-Pyo Kim, POSTECH, Korea
  Tentative Title: Towards Functional Microstructured Systems via 3D-Printed Photocurable Preceramic Formulations
  Brief Bio: Dr. Chunlin Chen is a professor of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese
Academy Dr. Chunlin Chen is a professor of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his B.S. degree from Central South University in 2001 and Ph.D degree in Materials Physics and Chemistry from Institute of Metal Research, CAS in Honor and Chair Prof, Dong-Pyo Kim
Department of Chemical Engineering 
Research & Professional Experiences
2017.06 – Present    Head, Center for Intelligent Microprocess of Pharmaceutical Synthesis
                                 *Open Start-up business: FlowMedi Co. Ltd.
2012. 3 – Present     Professor, Pohang University of Science & Technology, Chem. Eng.
2008. 10 – 2017. 2    Head, Center of Applied Microfluidic Chemistry
1995. 2 – 2012. 2      Professor, Chungnam National Univ., Applied Chemistry
1995. 2 – 1993. 9      Senior Researcher, Korea Res. Inst. of Chem. Technology, Korea
1993. 8 – 1991. 9      Post-doctor, Univ. of Illinois at U-C, Materials Science and Eng.
1991. 8 – 1986. 8      Ph.D. Chemistry, Temple University, USA
1985. 2 – 1978. 2      B.S. Chemistry, Sogang University, Korea
Research Concerns:
1.Design & fabrication of microreactors: CFD, lithographic, laser & 3D printing
2.Microreaction synthesis and scale-up manufacturing of DDS & API
3.Automated & autonomous synthetic workstation: computer & AI based
4.published >320 peer-reviewed papers and 45 patents
Awards & Editorial Board Members
2021 April Henry McGee Lecturer 2021 (Virginia State Univ, USA)
2019 April Contribution Award (Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering)
2018 April Appointed as a Yonsan Chair Professor (POSTECH)
2017 Sep. Severo Ochoa Visiting Fellowship (IBEC, Spain)
2017 April Academic Excellence Award (Korean Chemical Society)
2016 Dec The Postechian Scientist of the Year (POSTECH)
2016 Oct. The Scientist of the Month by National Research Foundation (NRF)
2014 Oct. The year of Best 100 Scientific Achievement (Nation Research Fund, NRF)
2008 Dec. Excellence Service in Project Evaluation (Korean Science & Engineering Fund)
2007 Oct. The year of Best 100 Scientific Achievement (Korean Science & Engineering Fund)
2007 Apr. The Year of Scientist (Deajeon City)
2005 Nov. Best Researcher (Chungnam National Univ.)
1988 May Memorial Award for Prof. Daniel Swern (Temple Univ, USA)
Editorial & Advisory Board: Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (Elsevier, IF=5.3), Reaction Chemistry
                                            Engineering (RSC, IF=4.9), Journal of Analytical Science & Technology
                                            (Springer IF=3.6),
                                             Frontiers in Chemistry (IF=5.6), Frontiers in Chemical Engineering (IF=4.8)

Advisory Member; Korean Biochip Society, International Microreaction Technology & Technology
  Philippe Miele, European Institute of Membranes, University of Montpellier, France
  Tentative Title: Polymer-Derived Porous Ceramics Prepared via Pickering Emulsions
  Brief Bio: Philippe Miele received his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in 1993 at the
University of Montpellier. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA), he became Assistant Professor (1994), and then Professor at the University Lyon 1 (2001). He was the leader of the group "Molecular Precursors and Inorganic Materials" in the Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces (UMR UCBL/CNRS 5615) and Lab Head from 2003 up to 2010. In fall 2010, he joined the European Institute of Membranes in Montpellier (UMR ENSCM/UM/CNRS 5635) setting up a new group. In 2011, he has been also appointed to the position of Lab Head till the end of 2020. He was also the Director of the Chemistry Research Department of the University of Montpellier. Its research interests lie in boron chemistry, particularly for molecules and materials for energy applications. He is mostly recognized as an expert in the field of non-oxide advanced ceramics using the Polymer Derived Ceramics route. Philippe Miele has co-authored around 290 papers in international journals (335 refs in SCOPUS, H = 62), 13 patents and has given 50 invited talks in international meetings. He was nominated junior member (2003) then senior member (2016) of the "Institut Universitaire de France" (IUF) and has been elected in 2011 at the "World Academy of Ceramics" affiliated with the class "Science".

Invited Speakers

  Gian Domenico Soraru, University of Trento, Italy
  Tentative Title: Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymer-derived Ceramic Aerogels
  Chrystelle Salameh, University of Montpellier, France
  Tentative Title: Synthesis, Functionalization and 3D Printing of Polymer-derived Bioceramics for Bone Engineering
  Gaofeng Shao, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Role of Heterointerfaces in Polymer-derived Ceramics
  Jie Kong, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  Tentative Title: Novel Polysiloxane/polysilazane Precursors for Digital Light Processing 3D Printing of Functional Ceramics
  Qingbo Wen, Central South University, China
  Tentative Title: Molecular Design towards SiC/(Ti,Zr,Hf,Ta)C-based Ultrahigh temperature Ceramic Nanocomposites with Multi-principal Elements
  Wei Li, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
  Tentative Title: Single-Source-Precursor Derived SiHfN Ceramic Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Mechanical Properties
  Xingang Luan, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  Tentative Title: Preparation and Conductivity Regulation of SiBCN Coatings
  Zongbo Zhang, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: Functional Coatings Based on Polymer Derived Ceramics: Preparation and Application
  Yejie Cao, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  Tentative Title: Fine processing of Polymer-derived SiAlCN Ceramics and their Application in High -temperature Sensors
  Lee Yoonjoo, Korea Institute Ceramic Engineering & Technology, Korea
  Tentative Title: Characteristics of the Decomposition and Deformation Behavior of Polycarbosilane while the Organic-inorganic Consersion Process with Different Polymer Properties
  Gang Shao, Zhengzhou University, China
  Tentative Title: Harsh Environment Sensing Properties of Polymer-derived Ceramics
  Shotaro Tada, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
  Tentative Title: Designing Functional Inorganic Materials through Molecular Precursor Approach for Small Molecule Activation Catalysts
  Samuel Bernard, Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER)-CNRS, France
  Tentative Title: In situ Immobilization of Nanoscale Non-noble Transition metal Particles in Polymer -derived Ceramics for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
  Dušan Galusek, Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin, Slovakia
  Tentative Title: Silicate Ceramics from Organosilicon Precursors
  Aleksander Gurlo, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  Tentative Title: Polymer-derived Ceramic Composites for Energy Storage and Conversion
  Bing Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China
  Tentative Title: High-Strength Boron Nitride Fibers Derived from Novel Polyborazine Precursor
  Yujie Song, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy
                      of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Polyborosilizanes for SiBCN Ceramics
  Yao Feng, Shenzhen Kunpeng Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd., China
  Tentative Title: Single-source-precursor Synthesis of SiC-based Nanocomposites as Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
  Yanzi Gou, College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University
                      of Defense Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Precursor-derived Nearly Stoichiometric Polycrystalline SiC Fibers and Their High-temperature Properties
  Daxin Li, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: High-temperature Crystallization Behavior and Oxidation Resistance of Amorphous SiBCN Monoliths
  Rongjun Liu, Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites
                         Laboratory, College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National
                         University of Defense Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Synthesis and Pyrolysis Behavior of High Entropy Carbide Ceramic Precursors and Properties of Composite Materials Prepared by PIP Process
  Cong Zhou, Anhui Polytechnic University, China
  Tentative Title: Metal Modified Silicon-based Polymer-derived Ceramics: Synthesis of Single-source- precursor, Micro-structure Characterization and Application Performance Exploration
  Fan Wan, National University of Defense Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Borazine-derived Boron Nitride Ceramic and its Composites