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Symposium 28

PACRIM Young Scholars Forum

PACRIM15-Young scholar forum, is organized to offer a platform for global young scholars to exchange research ideas and promote international collaborations in the field of advanced ceramic science and technology. Through the forms of special reports, academic seminars and talent talks, the Forum seeks to attract excellent young scholars with established academic achievements and outstanding potential in innovating future development of advanced ceramics. The forum will be held together with the PACRIM15 and CICC13 (the 13th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics).
Young scholars who are less than 45 years old, interested in working on advanced ceramics, and have a doctor's degree on or postdoc experience on advanced ceramics are encouraged to attend. Young scholars should show exceptional innovation ability and development potential, and hold remarkable research results.

Proposed sessions
ª Design and synthesis of novel advanced ceramics
ª Microstructure characterization and modeling of advanced ceramics
ª Advanced methods and shaping techniques
ª Functional properties and advanced ceramics
ª Structural properties and advanced ceramics

- Jing Feng (Points of Contact), Kunming University of Science and Technology, China, jingfeng@kust.edu.cn
- Yanhao Dong(Points of Contact), Tsinghua University, China, dongyanhao@tsinghua.edu.cn
- Bin Liu(Points of Contact), Shanghai University, China, binliu@shu.edu.cn
- Takuji Oda (Points of Contact), Seoul National University, Korea,oda@snu.ac.kr
- Tim Rupert, University of California Irvine, USA
- Fei Chen, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
- Diletta Giuntini, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
- Guanjun Yang, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
- Taley Sparks, The University of Utah, USA
- Xiaoming Duan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Jinhyuk Lee, McGill University, Canada
- Zhifeng Huang, Monash University, Australia
- Zhixue Qu, Beijing University Of Technology, China
- Kun Zhou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Sufang Tang, Institute of metal research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Yue Qi, Brown University, USA
- Yuanyuan Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

Keynote Speakers

  Fei Chen, Wuhan University of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Design, Fabrication, and Application of Nitride-Based Functionally Graded Materials for Extreme Environments
  Brief Bio: Dr. Fei Chen received his B.Sc and PhD from Wuhan University
of Technology, and he worked as a postdoc in chemistry and material department of University of California, Davis. In 2014.9~2015.9, he studied as an exchange scholar in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently, he is a professor in Wuhan University of Technology, and he is interested in calculations, model, structural design and control, and property estimations of ceramics. He focuses on (1) advanced composites; (2) porous materials; (3) advanced electrical materials and devices.
  Bin Liu, Shanghai University, China
  Tentative Title: Investigation of Point Defects and Surfaces in Rare Earth Silicates
  Brief Bio: Dr. Bin Liu received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Metal Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He subsequently worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Kyoto University, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and at University of Tennessee. He is now a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Shanghai University. His research focuses on the advanced ceramics used in extreme environments, including the intrinsic correlation of structure/chemical-bonds and mechanical/thermal properties, defect stability and diffusion mechanisms under complex environments, together with their influences on performance.
  Zhenhua Ge, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Synthesis of High-Performance Bismuth Sulfide Thermoelectric Materials Based on Functional Motif Ordering
  Brief Bio: To be confirmed
To be confirmed
  Jing Feng, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Ferroelastic RETaO4 coatings as the next-generation thermal barrier coatings
  Brief Bio: Dr. Jing Feng received his PhD in Tsinghua University, and he worked
as an associated researcher and postdoc in Harvard University with Prof. David R. Clarke. Currently, he is a professor in school of Materials science and engineering of Kunming University of Science and Technology. His group focuses on high-temperature ceramics, first-principle calculation, energy materials. He has been focused on (1) Thermal barrier coatings; (2) Environmental barrier coatings; (3) high-temperature alloys; (4) Perovskite solar cell; (5) Thermoelectric materials.
  Susumu Fujii , Osaka University, Japan
  Tentative Title: Synthesizable Discovery of Unconventional Proton-conducting Oxides by Computation and Machine Learning for Defect Chemistry
  Brief Bio: Susumu Fujii is an Assistant Professor at the Osaka University, Japan.
He obtained his B.Eng., M.Eng., and D.Eng. from the Osaka University. He has spent time working at the Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux, France, as a visiting scholar during JSPS Research fellow, the Osaka university as a specially appointed researcher, and the Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan, as a postdoc researcher. His research interests are primarily on atomistic modeling and computational design for energy materials, with a special focus on ceramic defects and their dynamics.
  Hongfei Chen, Shanghai University, China
  Tentative Title: Tribological Properties of Self-healing NiCrAlY/Cr3C2-Ti3AlC2 Coating at High Temperatures
  Brief Bio: Dr. Hongfei Chen graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University
and received his PhD in Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He joined in School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shanghai University in 2012. Currently, he is an associate professor whose research interest focusing on high-temperature coatings, including thermal/environmental barrier coatings, anti-wear coatings and thermal management materials.
 Shuzhou Li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  Tentative Title: Numerical Simulations for Functional Materials
  Brief Bio: Dr. Shuzhou Li received his B.Sc, M.Sc, and PhD in chemistry from
Nankai University, Peking University, and University of Wisconsin, respectively. After working as a postdoc in Northwestern University, he joined in Nanyang Technological University. Currently, he is an associate professor in school of materials science and engineering and his research interests are theoretical and computational material science. He has been focused on (1) Heterogeneous Catalysis; (2) Machine Learning in Materials Discovery; (3) Assembly of Nanostructures.
  Zezhou Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Dynamic Behavior of Advanced Metallic Materials
  Brief Bio: Zezhou Li is the full Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology.
Zezhou Li is the full Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. He is mainly engaged in the research work of preparation and dynamic response of advanced metallic materials. He has published more than 20 papers in top journals such as Progress in Materials Science, Science Advances, and Acta Materialia, with a total of more than 1000 citations. He also served as a reviewer for the journals such as Acta Materialia.
  Jie Jiang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
  Tentative Title: Giant Pyroelectricity in Nanomembranes
  Brief Bio: Dr. Jie Jiang received his Ph.D. of materials science and engineering
from State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials at Zhejiang University in June 2013. After that, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen in Germany and Kunming University of Science and Technology in China, visiting scholar and research associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the USA. He has joined in School of Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University as a “Hundred Talents Program” professor since March 2023. His group mainly focuses on inventing new defect-controlled growth techniques and tuning physical properties of freestanding low-dimensional single-crystalline semiconductors, exploring new physical phenomenon and mechanisms, and fabricating new flexible electronic devices.
  Lin Chen, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Phonon Scattering Mechanisms and Regulations of Thermal Properties of Ferroelastic RETaO4 Ceramics
  Brief Bio: Dr. Lin Chen received his PhD in Kunming University of Science and
Technology, and he works as a lecturer in school of Materials science and engineering of Kunming University of Science and Technology. Currently, his group focuses on high-temperature ceramics, thermal-mechanical optimizations, CMAS corrosion resistance of thermal/environmental barrier coatings. He has published over 50 papers in Acta Materialia, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, and Scripta Materialia. He has been focused on (1) Thermal barrier coatings; (2) Environmental barrier coatings; (3) CMAS corrosion resistance.
  Mingyu Hu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
  Tentative Title: Sub-1.4 eV Bandgap Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells
  Brief Bio: Mingyu Hu obtained his PhD in Material Science from Kunming
University of Science and Technology. During his PhD period, he received a scholarship from China Scholarship Council for a two years joint PhD program at Brown University, where he started to focus on perovskite solar cells under the supervision of Dr. Yuanyuan Zhou and Prof. Nitin Padture. After that, he worked with Prof. Shihe Yang at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School as a postdoctoral fellow. Now, as a Research Assistant Professor, He joins Dr. Yuanyuan Zhou’s Group at HKBU and continues his research on inorganic low-bandgap perovskite semiconductors.

Invited Speakers

  Xiaofeng Guo, Washington State University, USA
  Tentative Title: Thermodynamics of Ceramics for High Temperature Applications
  Bin Feng, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  Tentative Title: Atomic Structure and Chemistry of Ceramic Grain Boundaries Studied Using Atomic-resolution STEM-EDS
  Baoming Wang, Nanjing University, China
  Tentative Title: Opportunities of In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy for Measuring Microstructural Changes of Memristive Devices During Operation
  Jiankun Wang, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Uncover the Multiple Toughening Mechanisms and Thermal Conductivity Evolution of Y1/6Yb5/6TaO4/8YSZ composite eramics
  Luyang Zhang, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Simultaneous Manipulations of Thermal Expansion and Fracture Toughness in SiO2-AlTaO4 Ceramics with Low Radiative Thermal Conductivity
  Shunke Liu, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
  Tentative Title: Hydrogen-induced Hardening/softening Mechanisms and Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Nickel and Nickel-platinum Alloys
  Yiran Li, Shanghai University, China
  Tentative Title: Contributions of Bonding Heterogeneity to Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Rare Earth Molybdates for Thermal Barrier Coatings
  Feifei Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured Lu2Si2O7 Feedstocks for Plasma-sprayed Environmental Barrier Coatings
  Wei Yu, University of Maryland, China
  Tentative Title: Accelerating Exploitation of γ-γ' Pt-based Superalloys: From Pt3Al_D0'c to Pt3Al_L12
  Mengdi Gan, Nanyang Technological University, China
  Tentative Title: Study on the Origin of Ultra-low Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Insulation Performance of Rare Earth Tantalate
  Tatsuya Yokoi, Nagoya University, Japan
  Tentative Title: Artificial-neural-network Potentials for Accurately Predicting Lattice-defect Properties
  Baihui Li, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Synthesis and Thermophysical Properties of ATa2O6 (A= Co, Ni, Mg, Ca) Tantalates with Robust CMAS Resistance
  Fei Li, Osaka University, Japan
  Tentative Title: Sintering Behavior of High Entropy A2B2O7 Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized By Polyol Rocess 
  Zhifeng Huang, Wuhan University of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Preparation and Properties of Low-temperature Co-fired Ceramics Via Digital Light Processing Technology
  Peng Wu, Beihang University, China
  Tentative Title: Realizing Microwave-infrared Compatible Stealth Via Single YSZ Coating
  Jingjin He, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Machine Learning Assisted Phase Diagram Construction and Property Prediction in Multi-component Ferroelectric Materials 
  Zifan Zhao, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: High Entropy Design and Performance Research of Thermal Insulation Ceramic Materials
  Liyan Wu, Drexel University, USA
  Tentative Title: Giant Electrostrain in Domain Engineered KNbO3 Single Crystals
  Fangwei Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  Tentative Title: Nucleation Mechanism and Coating Preparation of Lanthanide High Entropy Carbide Nanocrystals
  Nadimulian Hakimi, China - Alberoni University, Afghanistan
  Tentative Title: Effect of Surface Roughness on the Oxidation Behavior of MCrAlY Bond Coat at High Temperature
  Guo Liu, City University of Hong Kong, China
  Tentative Title: 3D/4D Additive–subtractive Manufacturing of Ceramics
  Maryam Batool, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance of Cu1.8S via Carrier Concentration Optimization
  Xiaodong Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Design and Realization of Interface Strengthening to GNPs/YSZ Nanocomposite Coating
  Xiaobing Zhou, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: High-entropy rare earth diborodicarbide: A novel class of high-entropy ceramics (Y0.25Yb0.25Dy0.25Er0.25)B2C2
  Rui Luo, University of Science and Technology of China, China
  Tentative Title: Macroscale Fabrication of Strong and Tough Carbon Aerogel Composites Through Soft-template Reinforcement Design
  Bin Liang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  Tentative Title: Construction of C/SiC-Cu3Si-Cu Interpenetrating Composites for Long-duration Thermal Protection at 2500 °C by Cooperative Active-passive Cooling
  Tianlong Lu, Punjab Technical University, India
  Tentative Title: Finite Element Simulation of Temperature Field and Stress Field of YTaO4 / NiCoCrAlY Thermal Barrier Coating System
  Shujuan Dong, Wuhan University of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: Effect of Post-annealing on High Temperature Performances of LaMgAl11O19/Yb2Si2O7 Thermal/environmental Barrier Coatings
  Lu Li, Gansu Agricultural University, China
  Tentative Title: High-Specific Surface-Area α-Al2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesised by High-Energy Ball-Milling Method and Applications in Nanocrystalline Ceramics
  Lu Huang, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
  Tentative Title: Heterogeneous Effect in PS-PVD Ceramic Coatings: Thermal Ratchet, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
  Lin Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  Tentative Title: MOF‑Derived CNFs@CoNi/C Composites for High-Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption